Legendary professional sports-entertainer The Undertaker jolted upright in bed late last night with the sudden realization that the name of his longtime manager, the late Paul Bearer, is a play on words. 

“Wait a second,” the Phenom said aloud, awakening wife Michelle McTaker-Cool. “Paul Bearer… pallbearer… well I’ll be damned! Michelle, did you know about this?” 

Despite having toured the world with Paul Bearer for much of his illustrious career, The Undertaker (real name Marcus Alexander Calaway) never realized until now that his manager’s name was a pun that evokes the image of a casket-carrier at a funeral. 

“I wonder what his real name was,” said The Undertaker.  

After several hours of late-night googling, The Undertaker came to the conclusion that his late manager’s real name must have been Percival Pringle III. 


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