Seemingly determined to destroy the silent mystique that surrounded him for decades, legendary sports-entertainer The Undertaker has transitioned from rarely speaking to never closing his big piehole.

The Undertaker announced this week that he will host a podcast, on which he will blab and blab about “the road” and “ribs” and “wrestlers’ court,” thereby undermining three decades of masterful, minimalist character development.

During his in-ring career, The Undertaker could terrify fans and opponents with his icy glare and zombie-like silence — and now, retired from the ring, he is giddily gabbing to anyone within earshot about how he was a “locker room leader” and other well-worn cliches.

“The Undertaker was one of the most perfectly realized characters in professional wrestling history — brooding, captivating, quietly devastating,” says wrestling historian Ward Marshall. “Now he’s like a chatty inlaw who won’t leave after dinner.”

The Undertaker’s new podcast, Dead Man Talking, comes on the heels of his spoken-word tour, “The Phenomonologues,” and he also hosts drive-time talk radio in on Death Valley 66.6 FM from 6-9am weekdays.

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