In the ongoing and often-bitter war for television ratings on Thursday nights, TNA Wrestling has finally pulled ahead of a fundraising pledge drive on PBS.

TNA seized the upper hand in the so-called “Thursday Night War” after Hulk Hogan made a “huge announcement” on Impact last week regarding some new pay-per-view or something.

According to the Nielsen Ratings analytics, Hogan’s announcement prompted several viewers to switch away from a PBS pledge drive and tune into Spike TV. Ratings soared as more than 13 people tuned in to see a match between Crimson and some other tattooed lugnut.

PBS dominated the ratings war for 51 consecutive weeks, as a charming pair of co-hosts urged viewers to pledge financial support for quality programming such as Sesame Street, Masterpiece Ballet and Painting With Ralph.

Some analysts insist that the Thursday Night Wars are beneficial to both TNA and PBS, since healthy competition forces both companies to deliver a top-notch product.

Rumors abound, however, that Garrett Bischoff intends to buy PBS to spite his father.

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