On a day when happy couples exchange flowers and kisses, professional wrestler Kane reminisces wistfully on his one true valentine, the late Katie Vick.

“I still miss her,” Kane told his psychiatrist, Dr. Marion Shelby, during a recent visit.

“I loved her to death.”

Although Kane rarely speaks publicly about his relationship with Ms. Vick — who died tragically in a car accident 11 years ago — it is believed that the couple enjoyed a brief, tender courtship.

Some have suggested that Kane was behind the wheel of the car the night Ms. Vick was killed, and that he might have been criminally responsible.

One former WWE champion and current top WWE executive, speaking on condition of anonymity, has even suggested that Kane’s relationship with Vick was sexually deviant.

“Kane loved her right up until the accident — and after, if you know what I mean,” said the executive, who then offered to demonstrate on a mannequin.

Most wrestling fans, however, feel that any suggestion of sexual deviance is in poor taste, and certainly not fodder for entertaining television.


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