After decades of terrifying opponents and electrifying audiences as “The Undertaker,” a phantasmagorical character in wacky world of WWE wrestling, Mark Calaway is stepping into Whoopi Goldberg’s chair as co-host of daytime chat show The View.
“I’m so honoured and flattered to be the first man — let alone the first Deadman — to co-host this beautiful program,” said Calaway during an ABC press conference this morning in Death Valley.
“I’m not going to rest in peace — my zany sense of humour will have the rest of the hosts in pieces!”
Although Calaway struggles with being typecast as “demonic undead wrestler” stereotype, he hopes The View will allow him to showcase aspects of his personality wrestling fans may find surprising — his real-life dislike of motorcycles, his “Never-Trump” politics, his unapologetically woke stances, his book club, and so on.
Producers of The View said bringing Calaway to the hosting table should attract a larger male viewership for the program, which has been sitting steadily at zero percent since its debut.
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