Professional wrestler and obsessive list-maker Chris Jericho (real name Christopher Jerry Coe) has achieved yet another milestone in his impressive career by completing his metamorphosis into Motley Crue singer Vince Neil.

Jericho has spent more than 20 years enacting the slow transformation both physically (through the constant bumps and bruises of pro wrestling) and mentally (through longtime abuse of Jerichohol, primarily the bubbly).

Jericho vince neil
Chris Jericho (left) and Vince Neil (right) are now virtually indistinguishable.

The grappler also mimicked Vince Neil’s rock-star lifestyle as frontman of his own metal band, Fozzy, which has released such crowd-pleasing hits as [NOTE TO SELF: GOOGLE FOZZY SONGS] and [SAME NOTE AS PRIOR].

Now a marquee star with upstart wrestling league AEW (American Extreme Wrestling), Jericho has completed his transition into Vince Neil, emulating the scuzzy look with ugly leather jackets, bad tattoos, and even eyeliner.

Jericho is expected to join a Motley Crue reunion tour next month, while Vince Neil is expected to begin a feud with Dean Ambrose wannabe Jon Moxley.



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