The so-called Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) became suddenly devoid of activity Sunday after fed-up mothers around the world demanded that young men stop “stop yakking on the computer about phoney-baloney wrestling” and tidy up their bedrooms.

All chatter instantaneously ceased in countless online wrestling forums and Facebook groups when every member of the IWC, after much nagging, finally picked their WWE action figures off the floor and discarded the mouldy pizza crusts from behind their replica championship belts.

Many of the angry mothers had reportedly shouted down the basement stairs at their sons to “clean up that pigsty or else no more pay-per-views on our dime.”

During the collective bedroom tidying session, once-heated online debates — on topics ranging from a possible John Cena heel turn to the influence of Japanese puroresu on Ring of Honor in 2004 — went undiscussed, as IWC members folded and put away their Barber Shop Window t-shirts and Highspots DVDs.

Eventually, after countless bedrooms were deemed relatively clean, members of the IWC resumed their normal activity of complaining online about every conceivable aspect of professional wrestling, and googling the words “diva nipple slip.”

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