WWE Superstars Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns announced this morning they will re-form The Shield, though the role of Seth Rollins will be portrayed by the overzealous fan who clambered into the ring at Sunday’s Night of Champions event.

“Bear witness to The Shield 2.0,” Reigns proclaimed at a press conference this morning.

Added Reigns, for reasons unclear: “Sufferin’ succotash.”

According to an article posted today on WWE.com, the newest member of The Shield is 27-year-old Steve Geimer of Houston, who recently went off his meds and insists to anyone who’ll listen that he is a “hound of justice” and a “weimaraner of jaundice.”

Geimer dressed himself in a SWAT Team outfit this past Sunday and, at the moment Ambrose and Reigns were about to announce their mystery partner, assumed what he believed was his rightful position.

Although WWE security guards initially tackled Geimer and escorted him out of the building, Ambrose and Reigns later befriended him after they realized he got a bigger “pop” than their actual partner, Chris Jericho.


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