The so-called Internet Wrestling Community (IWC) — a global cadre of die-hard fans who endlessly debate the merits and shortcoming of professional wrestling in countless online forums — has lost another member to dating.

Members of the forum on were saddened yesterday when it was revealed that longtime contributor Braden Peterson, who went by the handle NaitchWOO_81, had disabled his own account after going to the movies with a girl.

It was the latest in many similar blows to the Internet Wrestling Community, whose vastly male membership engages in long, late-night debates over whether Kenta will get a main-roster push, how Dolph Ziggler should be repackaged, and the innumerable ways in which John Cena sucks.

The cohesiveness and continuity of the Internet Wrestling Community relies almost entirely on its members not spending time with girls. Several wrestling forums have revised their “Terms & Conditions” page, requiring new users to click “agree” to a clause forbidding them from engaging in conversations with members of the opposite sex.

At least one forum, however, has a caveat: “If you meet a girl who likes wrestling, go for it. If she can name at least eight former Intercontinental Champions, propose marriage immediately.”

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